Consider the Wonders of Creation

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When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
(Psalm 8:3-4 NIV)

The Bible Draws Us Outside

When was the last time you considered the sky—or anything outside?

The Bible as a whole—and in its individual books, chapters, and verses—draws our attention to Jesus. The Bible holds his character and his works before our eyes to reveal to us his glory. The Bible often directly points us to Jesus.

But in this one Psalm in the Bible, the Bible does something a bit unique. It thrusts us out of God’s Word and into God’s world. The psalmist writes, “When I consider your heavens…the moon…the stars…” (Psalm 8:3). In other words, the psalmist has his head craned up to look at the sky and he stays that way long enough to think deeply about what he sees.

And so, this part of God’s Word indirectly encourages us to consider not only the words of God’s mouth, but “the work of his fingers”—his creation.

Creation Draws Us to God

For, everyone who believes the Bible’s testimony in its very first pages (Genesis 1-2) understands that what we see “outside” is in fact the work of God’s hands. The world and the universe is something God designed, and thus owns. The heavens and the world are his work.

The book of Romans explains to us that “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made” (Romans 1:20 ESV).

Romans tells us that should we take a good, long look at creation, we would come to understand something of what God is like. When the psalmist took a good, long look at the sky, we know he came away in awe of the caring heart of God.

There are plenty of facets of God’s wonderful character to be contemplated. There are multitudes of wonders in his creation that are worthy of considering. This psalmist considered the stars and came away worshipping God for the way he attends to us. But we might consider any part of God’s creation and come away worshipping him for a myriad of things.

Consider the Wonders of Creation

And so, take these verses of the Bible as a loving thrust out your door. We are wonder-hungry these days—scrolling and hustling and searching for things to satisfy our souls. But the wonder our souls long for is found in God—the one true God of the Bible who has made himself known to us in Jesus Christ (John 1:18)—who we come to know in part by observing his work.

So what part of God’s creation will you consider today? Considering takes time. Maybe getting a glimpse of God’s glory in his creation is worth an outing, or a road trip!

Let the Bible thrust you outside today and may God’s Spirit open your eyes to his glory through what he has made.

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