Reading Plan
Let’s Get Started
Heavenly Father, Thank you for wanting a relationship with us. Thank you, Jesus, for wanting us to know the Father so much that you were willing to give your life to endure the punishment our sins deserved. Father we cannot touch the heart of the young person reading this. We don’t know their situation, and we cannot be physically present with them. But you can. Please use this resource to give them what they need most—a deeper relationship with you. Give them diligence to complete whatever part of this would be helpful to them. Hear their prayers and answer them. Show them how wonderful you are, and may they believe the Bible to be your Word and experience your presence and comfort as they open it (2 Timothy 3:16). Give them faith in Jesus so that they might know you as their Father (John 14:6). In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Bible Study
Action Step



Ask About Your Father’s Plans

Now, we don’t mean here that you ask God to tell your future in detail. God doesn’t tell us about our future in full. Here’s what we mean.

As God’s child, you belong to his family, his kingdom, and he has put his own Spirit inside of you. We often refer to Jesus as our Lord, and that’s true. He is the chosen King in the Kingdom of our Father. He is our older Brother. But the passage in this lesson tells us, in Jesus’ own words, that we are also his friends. He loves to tell us what the Father and he are up to in God’s kingdom, and his Spirit prompts us to do acts of love that reflect the nature of our Father and Brother.

God wants us to play a part—to bear much fruit—as Jesus says. And Jesus welcomes us to ask him for whatever we need to play the part God has given us in his kingdom. In the Bible, God has shared with us the plans for his kingdom, his hopes for the world, and his desires for our lives.

With all that has gone on in your family, it might be really hard to think about the future at all.

But God has given you a special gift. His Holy Spirit can help you see reality, even the future, through the lens of trust in God and hope in Christ (1 Corinthians 2:9-15). He can give you vision—desires for the future that match his desires for you. Your future is not defined by what has happened in your family. Your future is held in the hands of a Heavenly Father who wants to see you grow to be more and more like your wonderful Brother, Jesus Christ.

Step 10: Ask your Heavenly Father to reveal his plans to you. 

Your Father has a purpose for you, he has great love for you, and he has promised to never leave or forsake you. You have the rest of your life to get to know your Heavenly Father—this is only the beginning of your adventure, your reality.

It’s time you two talk about what kind of plans he has for you and who he wants you to be.


Psalm 143:8

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

(New International Version)

John 15:14-16

“You are my friends if you do what I [Jesus] command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

(New International Version)


Take Step Ten

  1. Spend some intentional time this week, asking God to help you understand more of his Word.
  2. Ask him to lead you into his plan for you and give you a willing joyful heart to fulfill his purposes.
  3. Ask him to put his desires for your life in your heart, and to make them become your desires.


When Your Parents Divorce

This hurts like nothing else. Friend, few things are more painful than experiencing your parents’ divorce. It’s only normal to feel broken. Yet, we hope you discover through the Bible that God is a Father who loves you with an everlasting love, and wants to hold your hand through this.


“Show Me the Father”

Do you want something to watch on your next free evening? Everyone has a father story. Our view of our earthly dads often taints our view of God. Yet God wants to be our Father. This documentary tells an incredible story of redemption, but also helps you see from God’s Word how God desires to be your Father.



Do you struggle with your identity? “Who am I?” The main characters in this movie ask the same question. This inspiring story will not only entertain you, but provide you with an answer to that question.


Be Kind to Yourself

Hear what singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson learned about our Heavenly Father, and how it shaped his song, “Be Kind to Yourself.”


Ask your Heavenly Father to sing over you, as you listen.
We tried to pick something from every genre, so that you can choose the style you like best. These songs also are based on truths from the Bible, they’re not just these artists’ ideas about God. You can look up the songs however you like, or click the button at the end of the playlist to see the playlist on Spotify.

You'll Find Your Way

by Andrew Peterson | Folk

Let Me See Your Face

by Jon Thurlow | Chill & Relaxing

Who You Say I Am

by Hillsong Worship | Praise & Worship 


by Keith and Kristyn Getty | Lullaby

Wide Open

by Clay Finnesand | Praise & Worship

Be Kind to Yourself

by Andrew Peterson | Folk

Lean Back

by The Worship Initiative | Praise & Worship