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You will discover lots of content and answers to many questions about the Bible on our website. To help you navigate, we have created a five-step process to exploring our site. Check out each step and decide where you’d like to begin exploring!


The Bible


The Bible


The Bible


The Bible


The Bible


The Bible

Get answers to your questions.

Why the Bible is where you begin, where we answer objections you might have, help you understand what the Bible is, and why you should be so excited about it.


The Bible

Find just the right Bible.

Get a Bible is where we help you find the right Bible for you, so you’re equipped for your journey. You will also find helpful information about Bible translations and the history of the English Bible here.


The Bible

Start reading the Bible.

Next, we help you Read the Bible, because reading is an art and we must give God’s Word the respect it deserves. We want to make sure you know how to hear what it really says, interpret the meaning of hard passages, and apply God’s Word to your life.


The Bible

Grow in understanding the Bible.

After you learn to read the Bible, we introduce you to people, resources, and old treasures that will help you continue to Know the Bible.


The Bible

Live out a biblical worldview.

Finally, we want to equip you for when life happens. The Bible is real about the fact that life is hard, so we’ve put together resources on counseling issues to equip you to Live the Bible.


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Topic Finder

Not sure what  to search for? We have a wide range of articles and resources for you to explore. Start on our Topic Finder page!

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