Editor’s Note: The titles and descriptions of these messages were added by Bibles.net. However, many of the descriptions quote from these pastors’ introductions to their messages, where we learned what each message is about. We hope they help you find the right message, and inspire you to listen.
1. The Good News of Jesus' Coming
Luke 1:26-36
This message considers how Mary, who was just a teenager, received the good news of the Savior coming. It challenges us to think about how we receive and respond to the good news about Jesus.
2. Jesus' Birth
Luke 2:8-20
Christmas was an extraordinary time for angels. As a kind of early Christmas present, Sinclair unwraps what the Gospel of Luke has to teach us about what Christmas looked like from an angel’s point of view.
3. Jesus and the Covenant
Luke 2:21-40
This message is about Jesus’ circumcision, dedication, and vocation. Sinclair helps us think about how Jesus fulfills the covenant promise of God.
4. Jesus Grows in Wisdom, Stature, and Favor
Luke 2:41-52
Our Lord Jesus Christ was a teenager! For Luke, that was a fascinating reality. This message walks through Luke’s account of a significant point in Jesus’ early years, giving us four central lessons about Jesus.
5. Jesus’ Baptism and Family Tree
Luke 3
Luke draws us into the inner significance of the story of the Lord Jesus Christ. He teaches us about the significance of Jesus’ ministry, the secret of his identity, and the inner meaning of Jesus’ family tree.
6. Jesus’ Temptation
Luke 4:1-13 | J. Rushton
This is a wonderful message on the temptation of Jesus and his victory over the Devil, teaching us about the nature of temptation, how the Devil tempts us, and how to respond to temptation.
7. Jesus’ Message
Luke 4:14-30
In this message we learn about the heart of Jesus’ message given at a worship service in his home town and the initial response to it. We so badly need the message he gives, which takes humility to receive.
8. Jesus as a “Spiritually Violent” Savior
Luke 4:31-44
The kingdom of God comes with what Sinclair calls extraordinary “spiritual violence.” We don’t understand Jesus until we see him as a spiritually violent Savior—willing to greatly disturb us for our deliverance. This sort of discomfort leads to our deliverance and salvation.
9. Jesus Is Opposed
Luke 5:17-6:11 | J. Rushton
Jesus is met by the opposition, not overtly by the Devil this time, but instead, by the religious leaders of his time. This message challenges us to consider if there are ways we oppose Jesus as well.
10. Jesus Overcomes the Destroyer
Luke 8:22-56
Through three successive stories, Luke teaches us about Jesus’ power over the Devil. We learn from this section of Luke that Jesus destroys the work of the Destroyer. Jesus has the power to cleanse, deliver, and restore you.
11. Jesus’ Identity
Luke 9:18-27 | J. Rushton
In order to relate to Jesus properly, we need to get Jesus’ identity correct. In this incident in Luke, Jesus raises the question of his own identity with his disciples. Who do you say Jesus is?
12. Jesus’ Transfiguration
Luke 9:28-36 | J. Rushton
What happened on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured before the disciples, and why does it matter? This message helps us understand this event in Jesus’ life and draws three important lessons from it.
13. Jesus’ Call to Discipleship
Luke 9:51-62
At this point in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus begins his journey toward Jerusalem where he will die. This message is about what Jesus requires of his disciples, and the call to follow him—without reserve, regret, or delay.
14. Jesus Teaches about the Fatherhood of God
Luke 11:1-13
When Jesus called God his Father and our Father, that was revolutionary. Jesus unfolds for us some of the wonderful things we need to learn about what it means to know God as our Father.
15. Jesus Challenges His Followers
Luke 14:25-35
Is there an area of your life where you say, “Lord, you can have everything in my life but that?” Luke tells us three demands Jesus makes of his followers, and challenges us to count the cost of committing our whole lives to him.
16. Jesus the Son of Man
Luke 17:20-37
Who is Jesus? He describes himself in Luke’s Gospel most often as “the Son of man.” What does this special title mean? And what does Jesus’ identity as the Son of man mean for his ministry and our relationship to him?
17. Jesus the Savior
Luke 19:1-10 | J. Rushton
Do you know God as your Savior? This message asks and answers three questions about Jesus and his salvation. What does salvation involve? What does Jesus as Savior do? And what does Jesus as Savior require?
18. Jesus’ Teaching on the Future
Luke 21:5-38 | J. Rushton
In Luke’s Gospel, we come to Jesus’ teaching about the future. Jesus’ disciples ask him when the end of all things will come. This message considers Jesus’ answer. You will see that if Jesus is your Savior, then your future is glorious.
19. Two Kingdoms in Conflict on the Way to the Cross
Luke 22:1-38
Luke welcomes us into the last day of Jesus’ life before he died on the cross—the climax of the entire plot of the Bible. At this crucial moment, two kingdoms are in conflict. This message considers the strategies of both kingdoms.
20. Jesus Alone in Gethsemane
Luke 22:39-71 | J. Rushton
Luke takes us to three scenes in the Garden of Gethsemane, where we learn about what Jesus experienced for us in the final hours before the cross, and the profound loneliness he suffered so that we might know God’s ever-presence.
21. The Meaning of the Cross
Luke 23:26-49
The cross was central to Jesus’ vision, and Luke’s vision, and it must be central for us too. At the cross we learn what the Christian faith is all about. Luke tells us several things about the meaning of the cross and why Jesus died on the cross.
22. The Significance of Jesus’ Burial
Luke 23:50-56
Luke includes a detailed account of Jesus’ burial, which we may be tempted to rush over. In this message you will discover why this passage is so significant, and why Jesus’ burial matters to your relationship with him.
23. Jesus Back from the Dead
Luke 24:1-12
The central issue of Luke’s account of the resurrection is not that Jesus was missing from the tomb but that faith was missing from Jesus’ disciples. Let’s consider the responses of the women, apostles, and Simon Peter to the empty tomb.
24. A Journey to Living Faith in Jesus
Luke 24:13-49
Luke 24 tells us a beautiful story of how Jesus reveals himself to his disciples after his resurrection. It’s a story of two journeys—a journey on the road to Emmaus and a journey to living faith in the risen Lord Jesus.
25. Jesus Helps Us Understand the Bible and the Gospel
Luke 24:44-53
Luke ends his Gospel with a teaching of Jesus that’s absolutely essential to help us understand the Bible and the gospel, or good news about him. How would you answer the question, “What is the gospel?” Jesus answers this question.