Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him with the harp of ten strings!
(Psalm 33:1-2 ESV)
Read the first sentence of that verse carefully. Here in the Bible, we find a command that may surprise us. Shout for joy? Shout? Like let out a loud “Ahhhhhhhhhh!”?
What Does It Mean to Shout for Joy?
Think of the cry that erupts from a hoard of young people gathered around a TV screen who have just witnessed their favorite sports team win. Their hands fly in the air, and their shouts fill the room.
Think of the excited squeals of the neighbor’s little girl when she sees an anticipated visitor, shouting “Ahhh!!!” while running around the house, overjoyed at the arrival of a friend.
Think of the elated, “Oh!” that comes from a wife surprised by her husband’s unexpected expression of love, as he enters the door of their home with a huge bouquet of flowers.
These are shouts of joy. To shout for joy is not an archaic ritual reserved for knights who have won a battle; it’s an involuntary reflex to excitement, delight, and victory. And it is often accompanied by singing!
Why “the Righteous” Shout for Joy
The Bible tells us that to shout for joy is an appropriate response for the “righteous.” “The righteous” or “the upright” are those who have been made right in God’s eyes through faith in Jesus (Romans 3:21–22). It’s appropriate and right for those who belong to Jesus by faith to erupt with joyful noise and to break forth into song.
It’s not immature. It’s not obnoxious. It’s not indecent. It’s not something only extroverted people do. It’s fitting. It’s fitting for the righteous—all of them.
We get a clue as to where this shout of joy erupts from in the next line: “Give thanks to the Lord” (Psalm 33:2 ESV). If we are being compelled to give thanks to the Lord, then surely, he has done things for us that are worthy of our gratitude and praise.
If you read Psalm 33 (which we hope you do), you will find several things are noted about the Lord that motivate thanks and joyful shouts.
For example, the Lord is faithful (v.4). Have you experienced God being true to his Word? The Lord created all the wonders in the world with just his words (vv.6-9)! Have you ever been overwhelmed by the beauty and the blessing of nature? The Lord delivers, helps, and saves those who cry out to him (vv.18-20). Have you been rescued by the Lord?
Such things are worthy of our joyful shouts and songs! God himself kindles our rejoicing (v.21). Psalm 33 says he is worthy of our songs!
We might read right past this call to shout for joy in our Bibles and miss giving God the praise he deserves. When we do, we also miss experiencing the joy he intends for us.
When Was the Last Time You Shouted for Joy?
Have you ever shouted for joy over the Lord and his work?
Though shouts of joy are usually somewhat involuntary, here, they are commanded. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, loud or quiet, rambunctious or subdued, God’s Word gives us all the same charge—let your excitement over the Lord and his work find expression in your life. Shout for joy, O righteous!
May God’s Spirit so overcome our souls with the glory of Jesus and his work for us that we cannot help but shout for joy and sing to him.
May God’s Spirit rid us of the proud self-consciousness that would keep us from letting our praise reach full expression.
May we respond to the Lord’s gracious acts of salvation and mercy and kindness and love in our lives in the way we would respond to any other friend—with a joyful shout and heartfelt song.