
Dear Veteran, Here's How to Heal

We may further say that the most sorrowful and the most sinful are welcome to the Lord Jesus.

The most sorrowful may come; I mean those in depair, those who are at their wits’ ends, those poor souls who, through superabundant difficulty are ready to do the most unreasonable things—ready, it may even be, to give way to that wicked, Satanic temptation of rushing from this present life into a world unknown by their own hand.

Go, sorrowful one, go now to Jesus, whose tender heart will feel for you … first and foremost, in a flood of tears, reveal your case to the great invisible helper. Kneel down and tell him all that racks your spirit and fills your tortured mind and plead the promise.

Spurgeon, MTP, vol. 13, 157 (“A Troubled Prayer”).

by Charles Spurgeon