Foundation Topic

Overview of the Bible

The Bible is one story told in two parts: the Old and New Testament. The story of the Bible happens in four acts—creation, fall, redemption, and restoration—and is told over the course of 66 books. But most importantly, from beginning to end, the Bible is one story about Jesus Christ—who he is and what he has done for us.

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The Story of the Bible
Article: 10 Min

What Is Biblical

Video: 2 Min

This story is not
a fairy tale,
but rather it is the story
that all fairy tales
are about.

Greg Koukl
Messages: 45 Min

Unlocking the Big Story
of the Bible

by Tim Mackie

Video: 4 Min
Article: 7 Min

The Story of the Bible: How the Good News About Jesus Is Essential

by Tim Keller at The Gospel Coalition


The Bible Is All About God

The genius of the biblical story is what it tells us about God himself:

a God who sacrifices himself in death out of love for his enemies;

a God who would rather experience the death we deserved than to be apart from the people he created for his pleasure;

a God who himself bore our likeness, experienced our creatureliness, and carried our sins so that he might provide pardon and reconciliation;

a God who would not let us go, but who would pursue us—all of us, even the worst of us—so that he might restore us into joyful fellowship with himself;

a God who in Christ Jesus has so forever identified with his beloved creatures that he came to be known and praised as “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:3).

by Gordon Fee | Source

The Bible Is the True Fairytale

What we have been told [in the Bible] is how we men [and women] can be drawn into Christ—can become part of that wonderful present which the young Prince of the universe wants to offer to his Father—that present which is himself and therefore us in him. It is the only thing we were made for. And there are strange, exciting hints in the Bible that when we are drawn in, a great many other things in Nature will begin to come right. The bad dream will be over: it will be morning.

by C.S. Lewis
Article: 3 Min

George Muller's Advice: Read the Whole Bible

