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All things work together….
Count it all joy……
For I know the plans…
The Lord is my shepherd…
Do not be conformed…
I can do all things…
Do not be anxious…
Seek first…
Cast all your anxiety…
Fear not, for I am with you…
Be strong and courageous…
Whoever dwells in the shelter…
Given his great investment in education, it may come as a surprise that Dwight L. Moody’s own education ended after fifth grade. Born in 1837 in Massachusetts, Moody grew up on his family farm as the sixth child in his family. He quickly grew bored of this location and sought work.
In 1855, while working in his uncle’s shoe store, Moody heard the good news about Jesus from his Sunday school teacher, Kimball, and believed in Jesus for the forgiveness of his sins. His relationship with God ignited his passion to share God’s Word with the lost youth in his city.
Moody started his Mission Sunday School, and served as an unpaid, evangelical employee of the YMCA. He voyaged to the United Kingdom to spread awareness for children’s ministries and women’s training. Moody’s travels overseas and faithful Bible teaching contributed to Christian revivals in Europe.
Moody founded many schools, intending to train and educate people to know God’s Word. His best-known establishment is still thriving in the heart of Chicago—Moody Bible Institute. You could recognize Moody by his optimism, and deep devotion to Christ. He passed away in 1899 at the age of 62.
A rule I have had
for years is:
to treat the Lord Jesus Christ
as a personal friend.
His is not a creed,
a mere doctrine,
but it is he himself we have.
is what you are
in the dark.
There are many of us
that are willing to do
great things
for the Lord,
but few of us
are willing to do
little things.
Faith makes
all things possible...
Love makes
all things easy.
When I pray, I talk to God, but when I read the Bible, God is talking to me; and it is really more important that God should speak to me than that I should speak to him.
I believe we should know better how to pray if we knew our Bibles better. What is an army good for if they don’t know how to use their weapons?
by D.L. Moody | SourceGet to know nine people who were special to D.L. Moody and contributed in a major way to his life and ministry.
Trevin Wax interviews Kevin Belmonte about his biography, D.L. Moody - A Life: Innovator, Evangelist, World-Changer, introducing us to the life of D.L. Moody.
A holy life will
make the deepest
blow no horns;
they just shine.
Let God have your life;
he can do more with it
than you can.