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All things work together….
Count it all joy……
For I know the plans…
The Lord is my shepherd…
Do not be conformed…
I can do all things…
Do not be anxious…
Seek first…
Cast all your anxiety…
Fear not, for I am with you…
Be strong and courageous…
Whoever dwells in the shelter…
Trip was born in Dallas, Texas, to Christian parents and now pastors the church in Dallas he grew up in. Trip and his wife Jess got married young, and have two beautiful children.
We’re excited for you to meet Trip, knowing you will enjoy his humor, his excellent work in the music industry, and the straightforward wisdom with which he articulates God’s Word.
We are so challenged by his depth and perseverance, because this incredibly talented man has endured unrelenting trouble as he suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). He puts his hope in God, finds his strength in the Lord, and helps us understand how to do the same.
Want to learn more about Trip? Click here to find him online.
God opened my eyes
to see Jesus
for who he really is.
After I trusted Christ,
the Lord changed my
entire perspective
on everything.
One of my passions is helping people understand the Word. I think the most important thing we should be thinking about is who created us and how we were created to live. So I thought that I want to spend a lot of my time actually studying God's Word.
by Trip Lee | SourceWhat we do
with our lives every day,
whether at school,
a desk job, or keeping
the home in order,
is our most basic
opportunity to glorify God.
I would like the secular
world to know that the
Scriptures are about
the things that
we wrestle with every day.
The Scriptures are not ignorant.
Life is really hard.
Dear Lord, you were never gone,
You promised you'd make 'em forever strong,
Your arm isn't short, it is very long
Make 'em like Christ, you get 'em home.