Welcome to the Bibles.net Podcast

, where we briefly introduce you to gifted people who can help you grow in your faith. At Bibles.net we believe the Bible is God’s Word, and that Jesus is the hope you are looking for. There are tons of awesome people who believe this too, people from every walk of life. We hope these conversations motivate you to pick up the Bible, and to trust Jesus more deeply.
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Sharon Dutra
In this episode, you will get to know Sharon Dutra, the founder of Be Transformed Ministries, formerly an ex-convict and drug addict, whose encounter with Jesus radically transformed her life. Most importantly, you will meet a woman who loves the Lord Jesus with all her heart and serves him with sincerity and joy.
Abby Ross Hutto
In this episode, you will get to know Abby Ross Hutto, the author of God For Us: Discovering the Heart of the Father Through the Life of the Son. More importantly, you will meet a woman who has come to know God as he truly is and wants you to know the goodness of his heart also.
Luke Davis
In this episode, you will get to know author, pastor, and educator, Reverend Luke Davis, who has written a delightful book series which covers 2,000 plus years of church history as it tells biographies of faithful Christians. More importantly, you will get to know a man who labors with great endurance to love those around him with the love he has received from the Lord Jesus.
Tim Challies
In this episode you will get to know one of the most well-known Christian bloggers—Tim Challies. More importantly, you will get to know a man who loves the truth of God’s Word and whose writing helps us persevere in trusting Jesus.
Jake MacAdam
In this episode, you will get to know Jake MacAdam, a singer-songwriter, who put aside creating pop rock music to create music about the person and work of Jesus. Most importantly, you will meet a young dad and husband whose passion is to share the good news about Jesus through his life and music.