Welcome to the Bibles.net Podcast

, where we briefly introduce you to gifted people who can help you grow in your faith. At Bibles.net we believe the Bible is God’s Word, and that Jesus is the hope you are looking for. There are tons of awesome people who believe this too, people from every walk of life. We hope these conversations motivate you to pick up the Bible, and to trust Jesus more deeply.
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songwriting and waiting on the Lord
In this episode, you will get to know a young Christian artist who sets a wonderful example for us of dependence on God.
filmmaking and the story behind the movie lifemark
In this episode you will get to know a Christian filmmaker and hear about his most recent movie celebrating life inside the womb. But more importantly, you will meet a faithful follower of Jesus who prioritizes his relationship with God above all else and teaches us to do the same.
General Caslen Podcast image
In this episode you will get to know a decorated U.S. Army veteran, but more importantly, a faithful follower of Jesus who has a contagious confidence in the truth of God’s Word.