
Folk | Indie

Joshua 1:9 (Be Strong and Courageous)

by Matt Papa

If God has called you,
he is with you.
Courage doesn't mean
that I am not afraid.
It means that I fear God
more than I fear
my environment.
It means that
I trust in divine resources
more than the resources of man.

Folk | Indie

Joshua (Strong and Courageous)

by Luke Spehar
Article: 7 Min

Courage: Yours for the Taking

by Christy Britton at Gospel Centered Discipleship

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth, 27 Min
Video: 6 Min
by John Piper at Desiring God

70’s | 80’s | 90’s

Be Strong and Courageous

by Michael W. Smith
Article: 9 Min

For the Lord Your God Is With You

by Eden Parker at Open the Bible


According to the Bible,
the secret of success
is to know God’s Word,
speak about it, meditate
on it, and then,
above all, do it.
In God’s world there is
no substitute for full obedience.


Is not courage required
in order to obedience?
if your character
and conduct is to be
regulated by the
Divine standard,
if all the details of
your life are to be
ordered by God's statutes,
what will men think and say of you?

Message: 64 Min

Be Strong

and Courageous

by Steven Lawson

Electronic Dance Music

Strong and Courageous

by Sing Scripture

[The Bible] contains
more than good advice
or beneficial counsel—
it is a "Law"
binding upon us,
a Law clothed with
Divine authority,
a Rule for us to walk by.

Message: 60 Min

Meditating on

God’s Presence

by David Platt