From the Editor: You may have heard the phrase, “patience is a virtue.” In this article, Charles Spurgeon helps us understand how we come to have this virtue—through trials. He teaches us about four kinds of patience that God works in us as we face “trials of various kinds” (James 1:2 ESV). The Bible describes patience as a fruit of the Holy Spirit—it is a virtue God develops in us and gives to us (Galatians 5:22). Today, ask God for the gift of patience, and he will answer you. Tell him honestly of your impatience, ask for his mercy—his kindness to give you what you don’t have—and ask him to develop you into a more patient person.

Patience Is a Virtue

Let’s think of the priceless virtue, which is produced by trial, namely, patience; for the proof of your “faith produces patience” (James 1:3 NKJV). Patience! We all have a large stock of it—until we need it, and then we have none. The person who truly possesses patience is the person that has been tried.

What kind of patience does a person get by the grace of God?

1. Patience to Submit to God’s Will

First, a person obtains a patience that accepts the trial as from God without a murmur.

Calm resignation does not come all at once; often long years of physical pain, or mental depression, or disappointment in business, or multiplied bereavements, are needed to bring the soul into full submission to the will of the Lord.

After much crying the child is weaned; after much chastening the son is made obedient to his Father’s will.

By degrees we learn to end our quarrel with God, and to desire that there may not be two wills between God and ourselves, but that God’s will may be our will.

By degrees we learn to end our quarrel with God, and to desire that there may not be two wills between God and ourselves, but that God’s will may be our will.

Oh, brother, if your troubles work you to that, you are a gainer, I am sure, and you may count them all joy.

2. Patience to Bear Mistreatment

The next kind of patience is when experience enables a person to bear ill-treatment, slander, and injury without resentment. They feel it keenly but bear it meekly. Like their Master, they open not their mouth to reply, and refuse to return railing for railing.

Contrariwise they gives blessing in return for cursing; like the sandal-wood tree which perfumes the axe which cuts it. Blessed is that holy love which hopes all things, endures all things, and is not easily provoked (1 Corinthians 13:5-7).

Ah, friend, if the grace of God by trial shall work in you the quiet patience which never grows angry, and never ceases to love, you may have lost a trifle of comfort, but you have gained a solid weight of character.

3. Patience to Slow Down

The patience which God works in us by tribulation also takes another form, namely, that of acting without undue haste.

Before wisdom has balanced our zeal, we are eager to serve God all in a hurry, with a rush and a spurt, as if everything must be done within the hour or nothing would ever be accomplished. We set about holy service with somewhat more of preparedness of heart after we have been drilled in the school of trial.

We go steadily and resolutely about work for Jesus, knowing what poor creatures we are, and what a glorious Master we serve. The Lord our God is in no hurry because he is strong and wise.

In proportion as we grow like the Lord Jesus, we shall cast aside disturbance of mind and fury of spirit. His was a grand lifework, but he never seemed to be confused, excited, worried, or hurried, as certain of his people are. He knew his hour was not yet come, and there were so many days in which he could work (John 9:4), and therefore he went steadily on till he had finished the work which his Father had given him to do.

That kind of patience is a jewel more to be desired than the gem which glitters on the imperial brow. Sometimes we blunder into a deal of mischief, making more haste than speed; and we are sure to do so when we forget to pray, and fail to commit our matters into the Divine hands. We may run with such vehemence that we may stumble or lose our breath—there may be in our random efforts as much undoing as doing, because of the lack of patience in our souls.

4. Patience to Wait in Faith

That is a grand kind of patience, too, when we can wait without unbelief. Two little words are good for every Christian to learn and to practice—pray and stay. Waiting on the Lord implies both praying and staying.

What if the world is not converted this year! What if the Lord Jesus does not come tomorrow! What if still our tribulations are lengthened out! What if the conflict is continued!

He that has been tried and by grace has obtained the true profit of his trials, both quietly waits and joyfully hopes for the salvation of God. Patience, brothers and sisters! Is this high virtue scarce with you? The Holy Spirit shall bestow it upon you through suffering.

This patience also takes the shape of believing without wavering, in the very teeth of strange providences and singular statements, and perhaps inward misgivings. The established Christian says, “I believe my God, and therefore if the vision tarry I will wait for it (Habakkuk 2:3). My time is not yet come. I am to have my worst things first and my best things afterwards, and so I sit me down at Jesus’ feet and tarry his leisure.”

Patience Is Worth the Trials

Brothers and sisters, if, in a word, we learn endurance we have taken a high degree.

You look at the weather-beaten sailor, the man who is at home on the sea: he has a bronzed face and mahogany-colored flesh, he looks as tough as heart of oak, and as hardy as if he were made of iron. How different from us poor landsmen.

How did the man become so inured to hardships, so able to breast the storm, so that he does not care whether the wind blows south-west or north-west? He can go out to sea in any kind of weather; he has his sea legs on: how did he come to this strength?

By doing business in great waters. He could not have become a hardy seaman by tarrying on shore.

Now, trial works in the saints that spiritual hardihood which cannot be learned in ease. You may go to school for ever, but you cannot learn endurance there: you may color your cheek with paint, but you cannot give it that ingrained brown which comes of stormy seas and howling winds.

Strong faith and brave patience come of trouble, and a few people in the church who have thus been prepared are worth anything in time of tempest. To reach that condition of firm endurance and sacred hardihood is worth all the expense of all the heaped-up troubles that ever come upon us from above or from beneath.

When trial worketh patience we are incalculably enriched. The Lord gives us more of this choice grace!

This article is an adapted excerpt from Charles Spurgeon’s message, “All Joy in All Trials”

Are you tired of having to wait?

Not like in line at the grocery store. I mean tired of waiting to get pregnant, tired of waiting for deployment to be over and get a good shower, tired of waiting for that Mr./Mrs. Right, tired of working a job you hate, tired of looking for a new home, tired of the burden of sorrow, tired of the chronic pain, tired of fighting through the traumatic memories.

The God who speaks to you in the Bible has comfort for you in the pages of the ancient book of Isaiah, as he lets you overhear his conversation with the nation of Israel.

God’s Conversation with Israel

At the beginning of the conversation, God reiterates his people’s complaint:

“Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, ‘My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God?’” (Isaiah 40:27 ESV)

God’s people complained that their life circumstances were unknown to the Lord. In fact, some took their grievance one step further. They felt as though their situation might be known to the Lord, but that he chose to ignore them; he “disregarded” their circumstances.

After acknowledging their complaint, God gives his people a reminder of what he is really like to reorient them in their distress (v. 28-30). God’s response ends with these famous words:

“Even youths shall faint and be weary,
And young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 ESV)

And in his conclusion, God exposes the root of his peoples’ questioning in his answer to them, when he tells them, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.”

They were tired of waiting for him.

How to Wait When You Want to Give Up

The people receiving this message were exiles, living in Babylon, displaced from their homeland, and discouraged by God’s discipline that had come upon them for their rebellion. They wondered if they spent God’s mercy by their sin or exhausted his promises in their rebellion. They were wondering when they would go home, and if God would welcome them back. With what little faith they had, they were waiting for his deliverance.

God’s answer to the exiles and to us is “wait.”

That is not what we want to hear. Waiting feels next to impossible because we’ve run out of strength. That’s why “wait” isn’t God’s only answer. Before he tells his people to wait, God reminds his people who he is to reorient their thinking in their suffering. He gives them four reminders about his character.

What are you waiting for today? These reminders are God’s Word to you, to give you courage as you wait on him.

The LORD Is Everlasting

“The LORD is the everlasting God…” (Isaiah 40:28 ESV) 

What does this have to do with you waiting on God? 

Israel complained God didn’t know their business or care about them. Here he reminds them that time itself is his creation and he bends it to his will. Their circumstance is under his control—the same is true of your circumstances. 

You are waiting on the one who created time. If anyone knows how to handle clocks, it’s the Creator of time. If he could divide existence into days and set sun and moon in the heavens (Genesis 1:14-18), surely he can direct the moments of your life according to a good design. 

In Psalm 33:14-15 David prays, “But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hand” (ESV). Friend, our time is in competent hands.

We have to be okay that time isn’t in our hands. This is very hard for us to admit. It’s time (pun intended!) to relinquish control to the one who really wields it. You can wait because the Lord is everlasting, and thus his timing is perfect. He hasn’t forgotten, it might just not be time yet. 

The LORD Is Creator

Isaiah says next that God is “The Creator of the ends of the earth” (v. 28).

In other words, life was God’s idea. Your life was God’s idea. You were in his thoughts before you ever came into being (Psalm 139). You may complain that God has forgotten you, but if you started in the mind of our Maker, you certainly haven’t left. 

Nothing exists unless God wills it to. Your situation is completely in God’s control. It may be outside your control, but it isn’t outside his. Whatever he purposes comes to pass. 

This can quickly discourage us because we tailspin into wondering why, why, why, and we complain at how he is handling things. This is where we need to hear God: “Who has measured the Spirit of the LORD, or what man shows him his counsel? Whom did he consult, and who made him understand? Who taught him the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding?” (Isaiah 40:13-14 ESV).  

We must let God be God. We can find comfort in the Who of God—that he is trustworthy and wise—as we wait to understand the “what” he is doing, and choose to leave the “why” to him.

If you’re particularly discouraged in this area, consider reading Job 38-42. Reflect on God’s character: what is he like, he who holds your life in his hands?

The LORD Is Never-Tiring

This God, our God, “does not faint or grow weary” (v. 28). We, on the other hand, faint. Even young men in their prime get tired.

The word “faint” here appears four times, which means its important. Perhaps the hardest part of waiting is how wearisome it becomes. We get tired of waiting. Our strength dwindles, our spirit weakens, and our heart loses power to keep believing. Waiting is hard and painful—or severely uncomfortable as our patience is stretched, our understanding strains, and our peace flees 

But get ready for a beautiful picture.  

The God who never tires meets a personThis person falls exhausted frequently. In fact, they’re so weak they need sleep every 24 hoursThey can’t live without food or water. They sweat when they run a little bit. That person is you. That person is me. 

How would you expect such a strong person to respond to such a weak person?  

“He [the LORD] gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might, he increases strength” (Isaiah 40:29 ESV). 

God extends his hands to lift us up; he bestows his strength upon us. He does this for those who “wait for the LORD” (v. 31). In fact, he infuses us with his strength such that we don’t walk, we run and we soar, carried by eagles.”  

God doesn’t say “Be strong. Wait.” He says to wait, and when you can’t wait any longer, or when you fall exhausted, he promises to pick you up again. When you are exhausted, ask him for strength (Psalm 73:26). And he will give it.

The LORD Is All-Wise

Isaiah continues, “His understanding is unsearchable” (v. 28). That’s frustrating to us (or at least it is to me!)Ever try to play connect-the-dots with the circumstances God lands in your life to make some meaning out of it? 

We often weary ourselves with searching out the unknown. But God knows all there is to know, including the deepest recesses of our hearts, and it does not overwhelm him or increase his blood pressure like information-overload does to you and me 

His knowledge is never maxed out. This means that God is always able to welcome your needs, desires, and concerns when your mind and heart are full. And he knows how to best address every one of your concerns. 

Will you hand them over to him in prayer? As you wait, will you admit that you don’t know all the details, and choose to depend on the one who does? 

The Wisdom of God

God wants to remind us in Isaiah 40 how we are different from him. When we are waiting on him, waiting for a trial to be over, we want God to be like us: to play life’s timetable according to our desires, to work in ways we understand. And when his paths perplex us, we think he must be neglecting us. But that’s not true. The everlasting, un-wearying, all-wise creator God has our trial on his timetable, our troubles in his control, and he tenderly bends to our aid when we tire. 

The greatest proof of this is Easter. Jesus cried out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34 NIV). The wrath for all our sin was funneled down on Jesus. And with every last drop of strength he had, he loved us to the end (John 13:1), suffering under the weight of all the wrongs we ever did. Jesus fell as a young man, exhausted to the uttermost, into death.  He let our sin and suffering crush him, so that we might have the hope of perseverance.

But the everlasting God, had even this in his hands. In his time, three days later, God gave power to the powerless and Jesus rose from the dead. Though the cross seemed like foolishness to many—irreconcilable to his disciples—it was the greatest display of God’s wisdom the world has ever known (1 Corinthians 1:18).  

God has not forgotten you. He does not ignore your distress. He just addresses our concerns according to his wisdom, not ours. Keep waiting, and when you faint, start praying. The Lord will bear you up on eagles’ wings. 

Video: 5 Min

Rejoice in hope,
be patient in
be constant in prayer. 
to the needs
of the saints
and seek to show hospitality.

Romans 12:12-13 ESV
Article: 7 Min

13-13-13: The Number of Love

by Robert J. Morgan at his blog

Folk | Indie

Love Never Fails

by Ellie Holcomb

[Love] usually
suggests not merely

willingness to wait
a long time, or
endurance of suffering
without giving way,
but endurance of injuries
without retaliation.
Love is kind—
not merely patient
in the face of injury,

but quick to
pay back with kindness
what it received in hurt.

Message: 35 Min

Traits of

Christian Love

by Alistair Begg

Article: 10 Min

Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind

by Mike Boling at Servants of Grace

2 Peter 3:9 NLT

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.


Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?


Love Responds to Hurt in Two Ways

These first two clauses, “Love is patient, love is kind,” represent respectively love’s necessary passive and active responses towards others. The one pictures long forbearance toward them—indeed, it is difficult to improve on the KJV’s “suffreth long”; the second pictures active goodness in their behalf.

In Pauline theology they represent the two sides of the divine attitude toward humankind (cf. Romans 2:4). On the one hand, God’s loving forbearance is demonstrated by his holding back his wrath toward human rebellion; on the other hand, his kindness is found in the thousand-fold expressions of his mercy. Thus Paul’s description of love begins with this twofold description of God, who through Christ has shown himself forbearing and kind toward those who deserve judgment. The obvious implication, of course, is that this is how his people are to be towards others.

by F.F. Bruce | Source
Article 7 Min

Love Suffers Long

by Jon Bloom at Desiring God