Just Sharing a Little Excitement with You

by Bibles.net
| Time: 2 Minutes

“Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord, my soul.
I will praise the Lord all my life.
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.”
(Psalm 146:1-2 NIV) 

The Psalmist’s Excitement

Look at that verse and read it like it’s coming from the mouth of a triumphant, coffee-fueled, morning person. Can you sense their excitement as you read?

The words alone indicate that this exclamation came from someone whose whole body was engaged. You can imagine them raising their hands or jumping or shouting as they exclaim, “Praise the Lord!” 

Do you catch how they want to share their excitement? First, they exclaim, “praise the Lord” as if someone is listening, as if they’re calling someone to action.

But then they address themselves! “Praise the Lord, my soul!” They command their innermost being to celebrate God.

Then they vow to praise God as long as they live! They have found that celebrating God is something they never want to stop doing. 

Then their words turn into song—arguably the most passionate form of expression available to us. 

Notice when they sing, their view of God sweetens, for they no longer call him “the Lord” but “my God,” revealing the close relationship they have with him. 

Excitement Must Be Shared

Sometimes exuberant outbursts stun us. Often though, when we see someone else overjoyed, we smile. The excited person’s self-abandon may even send us into shared laughter.

We often share the delight when we witness other people’s joy. 

That’s what the psalmist wants you to feel. The Holy Spirit put these words in the Bible so you would join in on the psalmist’s praise, proclaiming, “Yes, yes! It is good to praise the Lord. Our God is worthy of celebrating.” 

Will You Share in the Psalmist’s Excitement?

Read these few verses aloud with passion. May it put a smile on your face, but also a sincere joy in your heart. Don’t stop there. Ask the Lord to fill your soul with heartfelt praise for who he is and what he has done.

And if you don’t know why our God is so worthy of excitement, open the Bible and start reading. Ask him to show you his goodness and glory, and you’ll soon discover why he is worthy of praise.

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